Not part of the original plan, but….

Ok, so I haven’t been updating this blog like I’d planned out. Not. Even. Close. I’d originally planned on doing daily updates, then that idea fell to weekly, and now I’m on course for an update every 2 months. Not cool. One way or another, I’m going to get in gear with this and be productive, but I have to find the right balance. Here’s hoping you’ll work with me and stick around for what could be a grand adventure.

So, for today, I’m adding some HDR images that I put together from brackets shot while on my honeymoon that spanned from central and southern Illinois and then across Kentucky during the peak of the fall colors.

Almost there….!

I’m still slowly, but steadily working on getting this up and running on what I hope to be a weekly basis, if not more often.  Learning WordPress settings along with paring down ideas for a 365-project slowed me down slightly.  Then throw in my day job and commute on top of that.  Also, I recently attended an open house for the Chicago Photography Center, and enjoyed being back around the academic side of photography.  It made me consider the idea of teaching photography again.  We shall see which way the road takes me…

Hello world!

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Like the moon landing, tentative first steps…